Sam is tired and possibly even sick and needs a break. I feel really gloomy but not like "stupid" gloomy. I just really could use with some sunshine. There is so much going on I don't even know where to start. So I won't. Yeah I know, you can yell at me later.
I am starting the Jessie Chevrefils (my Mom) Memorial Zoo, so far it has one Fat Cat, one Black Cat, and one Psychotic Cat, one Guinea Pig, and one Really Fast Rabbit. I believe we will be adding a bird next week. Feel free to come by and visit. Admission is free.
My landlord is generously supplying me with paint in many colors to make pretty my abode, and has even offered to install Cherry laminate flooring. I am excited. If you wish to come by and help paint I will feed you, and you can even chase the Really Fast Rabbit, also known as Mimzy, around the house.
I would love to ramble on but I must make room for a couch so that the Human Exhibit has a place to sit during Zoo hours.
PS Young Jessie got her braces off.
Oh hey I love zoos!!!!! Can I lone you an animal every now and then? I have three for you to pick from. :) You know I be there for the painting. - Kelly
I love to paint, though I'm not sure I'm all that great at it and I have no clue where you live.
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