
Being Bad

Can one be bad and still be good?

Who decides what is bad? Are there degrees of badness? Does having bad thoughts make you bad, or is it just bad if you speak them out loud?

If everyone is thinking the same thing and one person says it out loud are they all bad or just the one person?

Who decides this? Cuz I need some answers, is talking/teasing/flirting bad? If so, how do figure out if the other person likes you?

What if you badly want something? Is that ok as long as it isn't something that you want from someone else?

I wish God had an e-mail address. I know, I know, He has a kneel-mail address, but sometimes you just want to know.

Right now.

p.s. I will not be going outside when there is a possibility of lightning striking me.

p.s.s. Does that fall in the category of bad?


bookwormaddict said...

Hi Claire,
Glad you like Zender. Which of his books are you checking out from the library? I've read his first one How to quit Church w/o quitting God. Sounds terrible, but it's very eye opening! He's quite the thinker...meaning he makes you think and he's not even close to boring to read which is a great thing:)
And he will correspoind with you if you email him. It may take him some time to reply, but he's good about writing back.
I've bookmarked your blog. Good post today. Whew.
Hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for writing me back:) Heather:)

Kelly K said...

Wow someone commented before I did. Way to go Claire. Check you out, stepping up and getting an audience.

Kelly K said...

We are waiting for the Claire version of the canoe trip

Anonymous said...

unfortunately i tend to be the one to say it while everyone else is just thinking it...so let me know the answers as soon as you figure them out!