Why is that pronounced kahnew? Why did they bother to teach us phonetics when it doesn't always work? I digress. We, meaning me, my children and best friend Kelly and her children, took a little canoe trip on Saturday.
It was slammin' and I have the bruise to prove it.
Started off a little rushed, giant of a son, Glenn, needed swim shoes to wear in the river so of course, daughter, Jessie, had to have some. Get to Kelly's and I sign our lives away on the standard release of liability forms, and we are off.
Not sure how many different roads we took, but all of them had different numbers and we were thinking that we should be marking the trail to find our way back home. My kids and I were coming up with code names for e-one, my son being green giant-6'2" and fav color green, daughter is sleepy-do,cuz she is interesting when asleep, my name is still pending. We were trying out names for Kelly's kids when Kelly named herself--Roadkill (in her defense, it was already dead). We then passed on to other topics forgetting names until later in the day. I will come back to that.
One sharp right turn, near miss, and then a quick left, screeching to a stop we were there. You park down the street at someone's house. I love Kentucky. We rode the really short bus up the road to drop-off point, nice people carried our canoes down the bank to the river, and off we went. My son doing some interesting wiggling as he figured out how to balance in a kayak. That is another one of those phonetic nightmares.
I came to the quick conclusion that no matter how much my daughter and I love each other, we make each other crazy. I had a couple of moments of wanting to just knock her out of the canoe but figured that it would end up tipping over. She paddles when and how she wants to, regardless of what I say. Just like our relationship at home. I am learning how to use that to my advantage. It is a tough lesson to learn.
It was great. I thought I lost Kelly at the beginning cuz when I turned around her canoe was gone. She was off on the other side of the grass. The thought crossed my mind that if we put my daughter and her older son in a canoe together, they would probably go in circles a lot. We may have to test that theory.
Even with sleepydo having her moments of attitude and me thinking of dumping her we had sooooo much fun and can't wait to do it again. I was so incredibly proud of my son, first time kayaking and he only tipped over once. Even after his paddle broke in half. He made the best of it and used one piece and had a very small kayak/canoe.
When we stopped for lunch, Kelly and I really learned what the term "snot covered bowling balls" meant. Every time we took a step on the wet rocks, one of us would fall or slip or slide. It was pretty funny.
I could write for hours about that trip but this is getting long, I will have to add a second part with pics. Saw some great wildlife.
Back to code names: John is now Leech Boy, and Noah is Crawdad Boy. I am not sure how they did it but they managed to catch some of said wildlife. Hahaha Thought I was going to have to use my CPR training on Kelly at that point.
The drive home was almost as much fun as the river. My son was navigating and decided to go a different way. When I saw the rough crossing sign, I was a little puzzled, what are we crossing? Then the faded paint on the road RR, what? no rr tracks around here, at that moment I went oh no!!! as we went airborne. When we landed, Sleepydo sat up and asked where we were then promptly went back to sleep. I was laughing so hard and the look on Kelly's face in the mirror was priceless, she did manage to slow down some but her car was bouncing something good.............
that sounds a bit like the time i tried to canoe with our daughter...i learned that it could be turned into a positive cuz she didn't see it coming when i splashed her from the back of the boat...and also nathan was there so i eventually kicked her out...it was that or go to prison for her drowning...
I wanted to toss her but I think that secretly she wanted that. It was a power struggle.
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