
I am insane

So, not only do I have three cats, all with varying quirks, I am now the owner of a Guinea Pig. Thanks Kelly for the link to the cheapcycle, it has cool stuff, including a $10 pig with cage and food. Or Spider Pig, as I keep calling it. Ever since Glenn told me to sing the stupid Spider Pig song from the Simpsons when I was upset, it has stuck. Technically, my daughter, Jessie, is the owner, but we all know how that goes.

I also have officially enrolled in College Algebra, French 1, and Eng Lit War Genre. I am truly wacked. Went to get books today. Wow! French book was $198. I was hoping to find my Algebra book from before, but it is buried so I must spend the $87 for a used book that is ugly. Lit class has 4 books, including A Farewell to Arms, by Hemingway, and Red Badge of Courage, the other 2 I haven't really looked at. One of them is by a soldier in the Iraq war. Should be interesting reading.

There was something else.......thinking....oh yeah my other computer, the fancy one that I bought for Glenn to use for gaming and stuff, is broken again hmmmmm this cheap one I got at wal-mart seems to do just fine. I am glad that I spent the extra $120 for 3 year service. They have replaced the mother board and now they think it could be mother board related but can probably fix it by adding ethernet card in expansion slot. Son is lost without Guild Wars.

Wonder who will win...guinea pig or cat??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and you blame kentucky for your snot!